Hibbian Repo¶
Install with Script¶
Download the script from: https://guide.hibbian.org/static/files/setup.sh
This must be run from the command line:
Terminal Commands
cd /tmp
wget https://guide.hibbian.org/static/files/setup.sh
chmod +x /tmp/setup.sh
sudo bash /tmp/setup.sh
Install Manually¶
This assumes you have some knowledge of Debian/Ubuntu and know how to take risks!
Fetch the keyring for your distro¶
Download and install the .deb that suits your distro:
Set up Repo¶
sudo apt install ./keyring.deb
Once the repo is setup, refresh your package lists and we're good to go:
sudo apt update
See what's available¶
A rough list of what's available is available at githib. If you have any issues, sign up there and leave an issue against the right thing!